Wednesday 5 April 2017

How Many Forms Of Energy?

Forms Of Energy

Forms Of Energy: Energy exist in various forms. Some of the main forms of energy are given in a bellow Fig.

Now we discussed her a few types of energy. These forms of energy are shown bellow.
  • Mechanical Energy
  • Heat Energy
  • Electrical Energy
  • Sound Energy
  • Light Energy
  • Chemical Energy
  • Nuclear Energy

Mechanical Energy

  The energy possessed by a body due to its motion or position is called mechanical energy. Water running down a stream, wind, a moving car, a lifted hammer, a stretched bow, a catapult or a compressed spring etc. possess mechanical energy.

Heat Energy

  Heat is form of energy given out by hot bodies. Large amount of heat is obtained by burning fuel. Heat is also produced when motion is opposed by friction forces. The food we take provide us heat energy. The sun is the main source of heat energy.

Electrical Energy

  Electricity is one of the widely used form of energy. Electrical energy can be supplied easily to any desired place through wires. We get electrical energy from batteries and electric generators. These electrical generator are run by hydro power, thermal or nuclear power.

Sound Energy

  When you knock at the door, you produced sound. Sound is a form of energy. It's produced when a body vibrates such as vibrating diaphragm of a drum, vibrating strings of a sitar and vibrating air column of wind instruments such as flute pipe etc.

Light Energy

  Light is an important part of energy. Name some source of light that you come across.

Plants produce food in the presence of light. We also need light to see things. We get light from candles, electric bulbs, florescent tube, and also by burning fuels. However, most of the lights comes from the Sun.

Chemical Energy

  Chemical energy is present in food, fuels and in other substance. We get other forms of energy from these substances during chemical reactions. The burning woods, cool or natural gas in air is chemical reactions which release energy as heat and light. Electric energy is obtained from electric cells and batteries as a result of chemical reaction between various substances present in them. Animal gets heat and muscular energy from the food they eat.

Nuclear Energy

  Nuclear energy is the energy released in the form of nuclear radiation to heat and light during nuclear reactions such as Fission and Fusion reactions. Heat energy is released in nuclear reactors is converted into electrical energy.The energy coming from the sun for the last billions of year is the result of nuclear reactions taking place on the Sun.

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