Monday 3 April 2017

What are 10 Major Different Sources of Energy?

Major Sources of Energy

Sources of Energy: The energy we use comes from the Sun, Wind, and water power etc. Actually, all of the energy we get comes directly or in directly from the Sun.

Fossil Fuels 

We use fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas to heat our houses and run industry and transports. They are usually hydrocarbon (compounds of a carbon and hydrogen). When they are burnt, they combine with oxygen from the air. The carbon becomes carbon dioxide; hydrogen becomes hydrogen oxide called water; while energy is released as heat. In case of coal:

                           Carbon + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Heat Energy
                  Hydrogen + Oxygen  →  Carbon dioxide + Water + Heat energy

A gas field

The fuels took millions of years for their formation. They are known as non-renewable resources. We are using fossil fuels at a very fast rate. Their use is increasing day by day to meet our energy needs. If we continue to use them at present rate, they will soon be exhausted. Once their supply is exhausted, the world would face serious energy crisis.

Thus fossil fuels would not be able to meet our future energy needs.This would causes serious social and economical problem for countries like us. Therefore, we must use wisely and at the same time develop new energy sources for our future survival. 

Nuclear Fuels

In nuclear power plants, we get energy as  a result of fission reaction. Nuclear power plants gives out a lot of nuclear radiation and vast amount of heat. A part of this heat is used to run power plants while lot of heat goes waste into the environment.

Renewable Energy Sources 

Sunlight and water power are the renewable source of energy. They will not run out like coal, oil and gas.

Energy From Water

Energy from water power is very cheap. Dams are being contributed at suit able locations in different parts of the world. Dams serve many purposes. They help to control flood by storing water. The water stored in the dams is used for irrigation and also to generate electrical energy without creating much environmental problems.

Energy From The Sun

 Solar energy is the energy coming from the sun and is used directly or indirectly. Sunlight does not pollute the environment in any way. The sun rays are the ultimate source of life on the earth. We are depend on the sun for all over food and fuels. If we find a suitable method to use fraction of the solar energy reaching  the earth then it would be enough to fulfill our energy requirement.

Solar House Heating

 The use of solar energy is not new. However, it is used in houses and offices as well as for commercial industrial purposes is quit recent. Complete solar house heating system are success fully used in areas with the minimum amounts of sunshine in the winter. A heating system consist of:
  • A collector 
  • A storage devices 
  • A distribution system

Solar collector is made of glass panels over blank metal plates. The plates absorb the Sun's energy which heats a liquid flowing in the pipes at the back of the collector. The hot water can be used for cooking, washing and heating the buildings. Solar energy is used in a solar cookers, solar distribution plants, solar power plants etc.

Solar Cells

Solar energy can also be converted directly into electricity by Solar cells. A solar cell also called photo cell is made from silicon water. When sun light falls on a solar cells, it converts the light directly into electrical energy. Solar cells also be used in calculator, watches and toys.
   Several other methods to trap sun rays are under way. If scientist could find an efficient and inexpensive method to use solar energy, then the people would get clean, limitless energy as long as the sun continues to shine.

Wind Energy

Wind has been used a a source of energy from the centuries. It has power sailing ships across the oceans. It has been used by windmills to grind grain and pump water. Moreover, wind power is used to turn winds turbines. In the United States, some wind farms generate more than 1300 MW of electricity per day. In Europe, many wind farms routinely generate hundred megawatts or more than electricity a day.

Geo Thermal Energy

     In some part of the world, the earth provides us hot water from geyser and hot springs. There is hot molten part, deep in the earth is called magma. Water reaching close to the magma. Water reaching close to the magma changes to steam due to the high temperature of magma. This type of energy is called Geo Thermal energy.

Energy From Biomass 

Biomass is plant or animal wastes that can be burn as fuel. Other forms of biomass is garbage, farm wastes, sugarcane and other plants. These wastes are used to run power plants.Many industries that used forest products get half of their by burning bark and other woods wastes. Biomass can serve as another energy source, but the problems are there in its use.
  When animal dung, dead plants and dead animals decompose, they give off a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide. Electricity can be generated by burning methane

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