Tuesday 18 April 2017

Differentiate Temperature and Heat

Temperature and Heat both are the type of energy. Here we discussed about difference between both.


 When we touched a body we feel it hot or cold. The temperature of a body tells us how hot or cold a body is. Thus:
 "Temperature of a body is the degree of hotness or coldness of the body".
A candle flame is hot and is said to be at high temperature. Ice on the other hand is cold and is said to be at low temperature. Our sense is some what approximation and unreliable. Moreover, it is not always safe in touch a hot body. What we need is a reliable and practicable method to determine the relative hotness or coldness of bodies.

To understand the concept of temperature, it is useful to understand the terms, thermal contact and thermal equilibrium. To store ice in summer, people warp it to with cloth or keep it in wooden box or in thermos flask. In this way, they avoid thermal contact of ice with its hot surrounding other wise ice will soon melt away. Similarly, when you place a cup of hot tea or water in a room, it cool down gradually. Does it continue coiling? it stooped cooling as it reaches the room temperature. Thus temperature determines the direction of flow of heat. Heat flows from a hot body to a cold body until thermal equilibrium is reached.
What happens when we touched a hot body? Take two bodies having different temperatures. Bring them in contact with each other. The temperature of the hot body falls. This energy enters the cooled body at lower temperature. Cooled body gains energy and its temperature rises. The transfer of energy continuous till both the bodies have the same temperature.


 The form of energy that is transferred form a hot body to a cold body is called heat. Thus

"Heat is the energy that is transferred from one body to the other in thermal contact with each other as a result of the difference of temperature between them".

Heat is therefore, called as the energy in transit. Once heat enters a body, it becomes its internal energy and no longer exist as heat energy. 
           What is internal energy of a body?
"The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy associated with the atoms, molecules and particles of a body is called its internal energy".
Internal energy of a body depends on many factors such as the mass of a body, kinetic and potential energies of molecules etc. Kinetic energy of an atom or molecule is due to motion or which depends on the temperature. Potential energy of atoms or molecules is the stored energy due to inter molecular forces.

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