Thursday 20 April 2017


Kinetic Molecular Model Of Matter

 The kinetic molecular model matter has some important features. These are
  • Matter is made up of particles called molecules.
  • The molecules remain in continuous motion.
  • Molecular attract each other.
Kinetic molecular model is used to explain the three states of matter - solid, liquid and gas.


A solid is an example of matter that holds its shape and thickness when not restricted. The modifier solid depicts the state, or condition, of matter having this property.

Solids such as a stone, metal spoon, pencil, etc. have fixed shapes and volume. Their molecules are held close together such as shown in fig bellow, by strong forces of attraction. However, they vibrate about their mean positions but do not move from place to place.


A liquid is an example of matter that complies with the state of a container in which it is held, and which gets a characterized surface within the sight of gravity. The term fluid is likewise utilized as a part of reference to the state, or condition, of matter having this property.

 The distance between the molecules of a liquid are more than in solids. Thus, attractive forces between them are weaker. Like solid, molecules of  a liquid also vibrate about their mean position but are not rigidly held with each other. Due to the weaker attractive forces, they can slide over one another. Thus the liquid can flow. The volume of certain amounts of liquids remain the same but because it can flow hence, it attains the shape of a container to which it is put.


A gas is an example of matter that complies with the state of a holder in which it is held and secures a uniform thickness inside the compartment, even within the sight of gravity and paying little heed to the measure of substance in the holder. If not limited to a holder, vaporous matter, otherwise called vapor, will scatter into space . The term gas is likewise utilized as a part of reference to the state, or condition, of matter having this property.

 Gases such as air have no fixed shape or volume. They can be filled in any container of any shape. Their molecules have random motion and move with very high velocities. In gases, molecules are much farther apart than solid or liquid such as shown in fig bellow. Thus gasses are much lighter than solid and liquids. Then can be squeezed into smaller volumes. The molecules of a gas are constantly striking the walls of container. Thus, a gas exerts pressure on the walls of the container. 


The kinetic energy of gas molecules goes on increasing if a gas is heated continuously. This causes the gas molecules to move faster and faster. The collision between atoms and molecules of the gas becomes so strong that they tear off the atoms. Atoms lose their electrons and become positive ions. This ionic state of matter is called plasma. Plasma is also formed in gas discharge tubes when electric current passes through these tubes.
 Plasma is also called Fourth State Of Matter. in which a gas occur in its ionic state. Positive ions and electrons get separated in the presences of electric or magnetic fields. Plasma also exist in neon and fluorescent tubes when they glow. Most of the matter that files the universe is in plasma state. In Stars such as our Sun, Gasses, exist in their ionic state. Plasma is highly conducting state of matter. It allows electric current to pass through it.

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