Tuesday 14 March 2017

Different Types Of Capacitors | Uses Of Capacitors

Different Types Of Capacitors

  Parallel plate capacitors are not commonly used in most devises because in order to store enough charger their size must be large which is not desirable. A parallel plate capacitor has a dielectric between its plats and is made of flexible material that can be rolled into the shape of cylinder. In this way, we can increase the area of each plate while the capacitor can fit into a small space. Some other type of capacitors use chemical reaction to store charge. These are called Electrolytic Capacitors.

Capacitor have different types depending upon their construction and the nature of dielectric used in them.

Paper capacitor is an example of fixed capacitors. The paper capacitor has a cylindrical shape. Usually, an oiled or greased paper or a thin plastic sheet is used as a dielectric between two aluminium foils. The paper or plastic sheet firmly rolled in the form of cylinder and is then enclosed into a plastic case. 

Mica Capacitor  is another example of fixed capacitors. in these capacitors, mica is used as dielectric between the two metal plates. Since mica is very fragile, it is enclosed in a plastic case or in case of some insulator. Wires attached with two plates project out of the case for making connection. If the capacitance is to be increased, large number of plates is piled up, one over the other with the layers of dielectric in between and alternative plates are connected with each other.

In variable types of capacitors, some arrangement is made to change the area of the plates facing each other. it is generally a combination of many capacitors with air as dielectric. it consist of two sets of plates. One set remains fixed while the other set can rotates so the distance between the plates does not charge and they do not touch each other. The common area of the plates of the two sets which faces each other, determinant the value of capacitance. Thus, the capacitance of the capacitor can be increased or to be decreased by turning the rotate able plates in or out of the space between the static plates. Such types of capacitors are utilized for tuning into radio sets.

An electrolytic capacitor is often used to store large amount of charge at relative low voltages. it consist of metal foil in contact with electrolyte-a solution that conduct charge by virtue of the motion of the ions contained in it. When the voltages are applied between the foil and the electrolyte, a thin layer of metal oxide is formed on the foil , and this layer is served as the dielectric. Very large capacitance can be attained because the dielectric layer is very thin.

Uses Of Capacitors

Capacitor have a wide range of application in different electric and electronic circuits. For example, they are used or tuning transmitter, receives and transistor radios. They are also used for table fans, exhaust fan, fan motors in air conditioners coolers, motors washing machines, air conditioners and many other appliances for their smooth working.  Capacitors are also used in electronic circuits of computers e.t.c 

Capacitors are likewise utilized as a part of electronic circuits of PCs e.t.c Capacitor can likewise be utilized to separate between high recurrence and low recurrence signals which make them valuable in electronic circuits. For example, capacitor are used in the resonate circuit that tune radios to particular frequencies. Such circuits are called filter circuits. One sort of capacitor may not be reasonable for all applications. Ceramic capacitor are generally superior to other types and therefore can be used in vast ranges of applications.

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